Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Did You Ever Poem

My Reflection
I have been learning to write a poem using imagery. To make my poem more interesting I used Heart Pumping because It's really Exciting. Did My poem give you a clear image about the beautiful Rock pools with the waves crashing onto the rocks and seals laying in the sun on the rocks?
My Next Step Is To
Use different types of language features like Metaphors, Similes and Wow Words In all my Writing.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Learning To Find The Area And Perimeter Of Shapes

I have been learning to find the area and perimeter of a shape. The area of a shape Is how many cm are in a shape. I found this tricky because I never actually knew what Areas or Perimeters were until our best teacher told us and then we got through this follow up easily.
My Next Step Is To
Use Areas and Perimeters In all my math follow ups.